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  • Pippa Bhatt

Vaseline & Rankin Collaborate Celebrating Key Workers

The campaign incorporating stills and a UK TVC bring Rankin's expertise in portraiture and working with real people.

This latest campaign for Vaseline continues to celebrate frontline NHS Doctors and Nurses, but goes one step deeper

by telling stories from some of the key workers discovered: an NHS emergency call handler who helped a first time father deliver his baby over the telephone. A music teacher who continued to teach those for whom music is such a powerful outlet for them in times of need. A supermarket worker who pulled all-nighters to ensure everyone had

access to food day in, day out.

On the partnership with Vaseline, Rankin says:

“To say ‘what a year we’ve had’ would be a total understatement, which is why I’m so pleased to be partnering with Vaseline on such a positive campaign celebrating key workers across the UK who have gone above and beyond to

help now, more than ever. I’ve tried to keep busy and creative during lockdown, but it has given me time to think and reflect, especially about the pivotal role my hands play in my life and career.”

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