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A growth-focused connector with a deep appreciation of the value of knowledge, the synergy of collaboration, and the captivating power of storytelling, embodying the essence of opportunity through human connection.

In real language, the power of storytelling to communicate ideas effectively and engage others is at the heart of image positioning. This in tandem with expert in-house knowledge leads to the creation of opportunities, crucially, through meaningful human connections. 

I've spent the last 20 years of my career establishing and building the image of independent creative businesses within the advertising film production sector utilising skills across new business, client relationship management and marketing.


If this sounds interesting and you'd like to know more about how I can support your company's growth ambitions I'd love to chat.

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My story

Throughout my career I have valued the impact and collaborative trust that comes from relationships in business. I made it my focus to learn about what exactly my clients were looking for in their chosen suppliers and partnerships. Communicating the value of the offering was fundamental to aligning with solving the problem they were facing. 

My first position in the advertising production industry launched the inaugural overseas office of a now globally placed production company. It was a baptism of fire and from the start my focus was global - reporting to a southern hemisphere HQ, marketing to UK and European client bases, representing talent for internationally placed projects. 

Today, in addition to Coterie, I am a co-founder of Madam Films a female-owned and run production company. From those early years to launching MADAM, I learnt that problem-solving, collaboration, relationship management and expert knowledge are paramount to growth.

We comply with the GDPR and any data held by us is held on the following basis provided in the GDP: Consent, Contract, Legal Obligation, Vital interests, Public task or legitimate interest and is only such data - typically name, email, phone number and address - necessary for us to contact you and payment details if we pay money to you. If you have any issues or would like to read our data protection policy or object to us holding your data and would like us to delete it please email

Coterie trading as 8T8 Ltd

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